Topical and otic anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory agent for dogs and cats
Otizole is indicated for treating dogs and cats with otitic and dermal infections when caused by pathogens sensitive to miconazole nitrate or polymyxin B sulfate, and for the inflammation which often accompanies these conditions.
Otizole is appropriate for treating disease conditions such as:
Otitis externa in dogs
Otodectes cynotis (ear mite) infestation and associated otitis in cats
Allergic dermatitis in dogs
Fungal infections when caused by M. canis in dogs and cats
Bacterial dermatitis in dogs and cats
Non-specific dermatitis in dogs and cats. (miconazole nitrate, polymyxin B sulfate, prednisolone acetate suspension)
Available in 15ml, 30ml, and 100ml sizes